If you are looking for accommodation please click on the link below and complete a basic referral online or for further information on vacancies please contact us directly at the office.
We currently have a mixture of accommodation units in the Midlands area which includes Birmingham areas.
Please note that for some of our accommodation a deposit is required.
Eligibility Criteria
Single homeless people aged 18 plus are eligible but the following exclusions will apply.
Assessment Process
All clients are referred to us using our referral forms or by contacting the office directly. They are referred from various agencies, such as Social Services, Probation Service, Youth Offending Team, Benefits Agency, Homeless Department and other voluntary & statutory organizations.
All referrals must be accompanied by a completed external risk assessment & or supporting documents (where possible). All referrals are assessed at an interview for their eligibility for supported accommodation. All applicants have a right to be interviewed to determine their needs and whether their needs can be met by the service.
After the applicant’s interview and a needs and risk assessment have been carried out, a decision will be made as to whether we can offer the applicant supported accommodation.
We will inform the applicant and referring agency of our decision. If the applicant is offered supported accommodation, he or she will accept a support package which will be client-centered and part of the Licence Agreement.
Failure to engage with this support package may result in a review of the client’s support needs and a decision made as to whether or not the service meets those needs. Staff is trained and committed to assisting applicants through the assessment process.
The clients live together as a community cooperating with one another and mixing together for the common good.
Note: It is the discretion of the Housing Needs Manager to refuse the applicant at the assessment stage if the individual does not meet the organization’s allocations criteria.
Note: Police checks are carried out before an individual is allowed to access our services (only some sites).
Contact us here if you are interested in our accommodation services.
If we are unable to offer you any accommodation based services then we will support and signpost you to other organization who may be able to help you.
We are working with all Local Authorities (LA) and Registered Social Landlord (RSL) partners to develop several Choice Based Lettings (CBL) schemes across the association. This will enable us to improve how you can access affordable rented housing across different local authority areas.
A large percentage of our empty properties are let through CBL schemes.